2016 UHWO Summer Session Has Begun……

I’m happy to say that I’m only taking 2 classes this summer session , NOT 3!! I waited patiently (since May) for a class that could knock out 2 of my focus requirements and guess what?! 1 seat opened up a few days before the first day of class! I immediately enrolled and dropped my other 2 classes! YES! I’m taking ANTH350 (Writing Intensive & Pacific Cultures focus) and PHIL481 (Ethics focus) at UHWO. Here are the textbooks for each class:

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I finished “An Ocean in Mind” within the first few days of class. It’s a very interesting book about navigating through the Pacific, I encourage everyone living in Hawai’i to read it. It’s also a very inspirational book. I have not read “Pouliuli” yet but I will be doing so next week. The mid-term for ANTH350 is next week. As for PHIL481, I have read a hundred or so pages since starting 8 days ago, not bad. It really makes you think about what is considered right and what is considered wrong. I’m enjoying this class and seeing everyone’s opinion about certain cases.

Summer classes end on August 12th which is the same day as the JABSOM workshop I signed up for in May! Man time flies! I’m looking forward to it not only because its the last day of school (I have 5 things due on that day) but because I will actually be stepping onto the JABSOM campus for the first time!! Exciting!

I just remembered, I did not do a personal post about myself. I’ve only done an academic post about myself. I promise the next post will be about ME. Wish me luck this week as I have a few papers due, group presentation, and a mid-term to study for! I will be posting shortly! Stay tuned 🙂

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