Finally received my MCAT books!

YAY! I finally received my MCAT review books in the mail after exactly 3 weeks of waiting!! I completely understand why it took so long…. the box weighed in at about 13 pounds AND I don’t think the seller expected someone from Hawaii to buy them so he only charged $2.99 for shipping (the books were being shipped from Indiana). In order for him not to lose money, the cheapest shipping method would be to ship parcel which takes forever but now I understand why he did. I thought these books were light and I wondered why the mail woman left a note saying the box wouldn’t fit in the mail lockers we have downstairs. I was so confused. I followed the mail woman’s instructions and I picked them up at the post office. As soon as they brought the box out, my first thought was “Are you sure this is for me?” The box was super heavy and large that I had to open it outside of the post office to make sure it was mine. Sure enough, it was.

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Since receiving these books about a week ago, I’ve skimmed through them all. Most of the subjects are foreign to me right now but I can’t wait to learn about them! The Biology book goes over most of what I’ve already learned in Bio but some of it I still have yet to learn. In case you were wondering, I paid a total of $22 for the set of books and that was including shipping! I thought it was a steal even though the books were published in 2012 (I know the MCAT has changed since).

I’m excited to actually have these books in my possession BUT summer session begins in just 8 days…. I wish these books came in sooner. For this summer session I’ll be taking 3 classes during the span of 4 weeks.. crazy I know. I need to get a head start on some of the assignments so that I’m not drowning in homework. I’m very nervous about it because I have never enrolled in summer classes. I just have to remember to stay focused and keep my eye on graduating in about 10 months!! Also as promised I will doing an About Myself post which is the 2nd part of the My Academic Self post. I hope everyone is having a wonderful summer so far!

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